TahunKategoriNIPNama PegawaiJudul Informasi
2021jurnal197501071999031003Dr. Sugeng Hadi Susilo, S.T., M.T.Bioethanol-Fuel Mixed Analysis on Engine Power and Torque Lihat Detil
2021jurnal197006071994032003Siti Rohani, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D.Blending Android Programming Learning Assistance System into Online Android Programming Course Lihat Detil
2021jurnal197703062002122001Prof. Ir. Ratih Indri Hapsari, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.Building Information Modelling for clean water and wastewater system in the medium rise school building Lihat Detil
2021jurnal197311072003122001Titien Indrianti, S.Pd., M.Pd.Business English Presentation: Problematic Issues among Students of Business with NonEnglish Background Lihat Detil
2021jurnal198007262008122001Dr. Nurafni Eltivia, S.E., M.SA.Business process modeling with cloud computing support: A case study Lihat Detil
2021jurnal197605162005011002Dr. Aang Afandi, S.E., M.M.Business process modeling with cloud computing support: A case study Lihat Detil
2021jurnal196609061992031003Dr. Luchis Rubianto, LRSC, M.MT.Combination of biodiesel, glycerol, and methanol as liquid fuel Lihat Detil
2021jurnal198010102005011001Dr. Eng. Rosa Andrie Asmara, S.T., M.T.Comparison of Geometric Features and Color Features for Face Recognition Lihat Detil
2021jurnal197202022005011002Prof. Dr. Eng. Cahya Rahmad, S.T., M.Kom.Comparison of Geometric Features and Color Features for Face Recognition Lihat Detil
2021jurnal197703062002122001Prof. Ir. Ratih Indri Hapsari, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.Comparisons of distributed and lumped rainfall-runoff model for soil moisture estimation Lihat Detil
2021jurnal196411051990031003Dandung Novianto, S.T., M.T.Comparisons of distributed and lumped rainfallrunoff model for soil moisture estimation Lihat Detil
2021jurnalDr. Hiqma Nur Agustina, S.S., M.Si.M.Hum.Consuming Jamu as Local Wisdom to Fight for Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia Lihat Detil
2021jurnal196404091994031002Prof. Dr. Budhy Setiawan, B.S.E.ET., M.T.Control plastic pellet feeding double extruders for 3D printing symmetric bilateral Lihat Detil
2021jurnal196404091994031002Prof. Dr. Budhy Setiawan, B.S.E.ET., M.T.Control position of the double nozzles on the Y (+) and Y (-) axis of 3D symmetric bilateral printing using G-Code Lihat Detil
2021jurnal198007262008122001Dr. Nurafni Eltivia, S.E., M.SA.Corporate Commitment of Environment: Evidence from Sustainability Reports of Mining Comp Lihat Detil
2021jurnal197710222000122001Prof. Dr. Ratna Ika Putri, S.T., M.T.Desain Inverter Full Bridge 1 fasa Dengan DSP F28069M Menggunakan Teknik SPWM Lihat Detil
2021jurnal197206191999031002Dr. Mochammad Junus, S.T., M.T.Desain sensor massa menggunakan metode macrobending fiber optic Lihat Detil
2021jurnal197711081999031003Jaswadi, SE., M.Si., DBA.Ak.CA.CPA.Desain Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Utang Piutang Pada UMKM Bahan Bangunan Menggunakan Business Proces Modelling Notation (BPMN) Lihat Detil
2021jurnal198010102005011001Dr. Eng. Rosa Andrie Asmara, S.T., M.T.Design and Development of Online Media Learning on Analog Electronics Course under COVID-19 Lihat Detil
2021jurnal197907042010122002Mira Esculenta Martawati, S.T., M.T.Design and Simulation of CNC Milling Machine on Matlab Lihat Detil
2021jurnal197501071999031003Dr. Sugeng Hadi Susilo, S.T., M.T.Design generator of magnetic power (Based on gap rotorstator motor magnet) Lihat Detil
2021jurnal197406242000121001Indrazno Siradjuddin, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.Design locomotion for automatic guided vehicles using double ackerman inverted method (2WD-4WS-1A) Lihat Detil
2021jurnal196404091994031002Prof. Dr. Budhy Setiawan, B.S.E.ET., M.T.Design locomotion for automatic guided vehicles using double ackerman inverted method (2WD-4WS-1A) Lihat Detil
2021jurnal197412251999032001Dr. Harrij Mukti K, S.T., M.T.Design of flow control system based on PLC armfield pressure control module in chemical engineering laboratory Lihat Detil
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