2015 | jurnal | 198004102005011002 | Dr.Eng. Haris Puspito Buwono, S.T., M.T. | Rh Supported on LaPO4SiO2 Nanocomposites as Thermally Stable Catalysts for TWC Applications | Lihat Detil |
2015 | jurnal | 197607162023212010 | Dr. Ari Kamayanti, S.E, M.M., MSA | Signification of Income in a Doctor's Life Theater | Lihat Detil |
2015 | jurnal | | Dr. Hiqma Nur Agustina, S.S., M.Si.M.Hum. | SIMPANAN NYONYA BESAR: A PORTRAYING OF SOCIAL REALITY IN INDONESIA’S SOCIETY | Lihat Detil |
2015 | jurnal | 196107151990031001 | Dr. Ir. Eko Naryono, M.T. | Simulasi dan Evaluasi Insinerasi Sampah Organik Rumah Tangga pada Reaktor Unggun Tetap (Fixed Bed) | Lihat Detil |
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